Rest & Go
New Life Christian Church
If you’re in town, we would love for you to join us!
The basis of our messages and ministries is the core truth of God’s unconditional and boundless love for everyone, everywhere. As we “rest & go” we are proclaiming that out of our rest in God’s love for us, we go out into the world around us, sharing this same love with the people in our lives.
Sunday Morning Service 10.00am | Sunday Evening Worship 7:00pm l
Friday Youth 7:00pm

Get Involved
Created Kids
For primary school aged children we have Created Kids, a great way for your kids to learn more about Jesus, while connecting with their friends.

Created Sprouts
Created Sprouts was born in the middle of 2022 when more and more little ones started to join in this fellowship. The approach is to introduce God who loves them dearly in a language and culture they can appreciate.
Pre-school-age children up to 6 years old
Created Youth
The name Created Youth was inspired by the knowing that we are created in the image of God, and we have an identity, and that is we are children of the Most High! That no matter what unfolds in life that they would have a sure knowledge of God and how He loves each person.
Fridays @ 6pm during the school term

Our Story
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

Oasis Cafe & Bookshop
Oasis as a powerful ministry that enables people to connect and fellowship all through the week in a loving, safe environment. Oasis Christian Bookshop is a distributor of Koorong Bookstore; Oasis Café is open weekdays from 9am to

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