
Scores of Zamar (SOZ)
Worship Ministry

Scores oF Zamar Mission Statement

Responsible, time-relevant, and broadcast worthy worship ushering people who come and tune in to stay for worship and have their hearts open for the message God wants to deliver onsite and online through NLCC


The NLCC Scores of Zamar (SOZ) Praise and Worship Ministry aims to set an atmosphere of worship on our Sunday morning and evening services on-site and online. SOZ is led by Dr. Anna Clissold who is the Worship Ministry Director since 2018. The unprecedented season beginning 2020 became a challenge and stimulus to explore the boundaries of our skills, and as NLCC was determined to keep the connection among the members, we decided to live stream from the start, thus we have established our audio-visual and live stream platforms for comfortable digital live broadcasting.

Most of the current members had been working as a team since 2016. The blend of younger and older team members works well, combining life experience, musical talents, and character, as the younger ones continue to introduce new songs at reasonable intervals.

As stewards in this ministry, we aim for excellence, however, worship remains and will always be the primary focus. The heart of worship is the backbone of this group, making SOZ effective as a ministry. We point back to Jesus all the glory and praises for He calls, empowers, and sustains! Amen.


New Life Christian Church has weekly fellowship meetings devoted to the study of the scripture, incorporating historical information and commentaries from sound Christian authors. The goal is to study the Word of God in a safe environment, and to make it practical and real to our daily lives.

Created Kids

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Whatever you choose, don’t give everything away! After all, you want them to read the full article.


My vision for the women who come to our study groups is that they would come into a true understanding of the extreme measures the Father has gone to, and continues to go to, in order that they would know how much He loves them and wants them to love Him. This is vital to a walk of ‘life in Him’ being exciting and fulfilling, rather than mundane

Created Youth

We believe at Created Youth that everyone is born with purpose. With the overarching New Life Vision, the Created Youth vision encourages and impacts the youth to understand and rest in their true identity as children of God and therefore empowering them to “go” out and embrace the purpose God has planned for them

HIgher Education Courses

Bible College

Many of our team have studied with Revival College, the Official Training arm of CRC Churches International.

Please speak with one of our pastoral team if you are interested in study or visit their website.

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in Truth

connect with us

our location


41 Bromfield st

Warrnambool VIC 3280

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